Monday, February 25, 2008

He's Home!

Klane's brother Michael came home from his mission on Friday! We thought we were really hilarious with our airport signs: HUGE pictures of Mike's face.

Needless to say it was a really great weekend, with lots of time spent with family. Klane and Mike are great friends and they're hilarious together so it was fun to see them back together again.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

New Addition

Check out the newest addition to our apt: Klane hung these shelves for me for Valentine's day. They look great!

Friday, February 1, 2008

It's DONE!

Klane and I have been married for nine months now and I just finished putting together our wedding album. It didn't take me a long time, I just didn't get around to starting the project until a few weeks ago! But it looks beautiful!  I only have one problem. There were so many pictures of our wedding day that I loved, and I couldn't bring myself to leave any out, so the album is, well... HUGE!

Hopefully anyone who sees it won't think we're obsessed with ourselves since we have this huge book of pictures of ourselves. In the end, I think it turned out great (although a bit bulky) and I'm glad I got to include so many pictures!