Before Mother's Day gets too far past, I want to do a little tribute for another wonderful mother in my life: Klane's mom, Kaylene. She is such an amazing person in so many ways. I'm grateful to her for raising Klane to be the perfect man and husband that he is, and she has been a wonderful mother to me.

She's an amazing homemaker. She hosts incredible (think Martha Stewart) family dinners on a regular basis. She takes time to add the little touches and details that make all the difference. She's a master chef. She makes the most amazing, beautiful birthday cakes. She's a talented seamstress (made all the bridesmaid dresses for Mike and Sara's wedding). She's also very thoughtful, she really cares about people. She's always thinking of others.

She is an awesome grandma; she has ninja turtle and charlie brown movies, reads the best stories, and builds the tallest lego towers.

She is fun! She ran a half-marathon with us last August. She quotes Brian Regan and discusses American Idol and The Office with her kids.

She is honestly one of the most kind, spiritual, humble, deeply good people I know. I really look up to Kaylene in so many ways, and want to be more like her. She has inspired me to try to be a better person. I'm so grateful to have the example of such wonderful mothers in my life.
Thank Heavens for the blessing of Klane and Kaylene in your life and that makes it a blessing in mine as well. I feel I added big time to my wonderful family unit as you became a Harding and as I have joked before, "I am so glad I married into the Harding family, Cause I feel like they are mine as well!"
It's all true, we have an unbelievable mom. Thanks for putting in words what I always want to say.
Dido to what Annie said!
i concur :) she is going to be translated any day now!
Oh, it is so nice to have a wonderful "other side"! I have always known that when I was to get married..I didn't only just marry my man...i knew I was marrying the whole family! So, I kept that in mind as I dated. I am likely blessed! Kayleen is so cute!
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