Vacationing with my parents is the best. One of the many reasons is that they like to experience what tastes that place has to offer. New York is a great place for doing that!! I have compiled a 9 page list of restaurants to try from recommendations of others, and we're attempting to check some off. This morning we went for brunch at Norma's. Kathryn wasn't kidding when she said it was the best brunch ever. It was amazing and we were so full afterward. However that didn't stop us from trying a deli sandwich in the afternoon, the "best chocolate chip cookie in the city" at Levain (we agree), and we have reservations for the best steak in the city at Peter Luger in Brooklyn this evening.
We also went and saw The Frick Collection this morning (per Annie's recommendation), and loved it. They didn't allow photos, unfortunately. But the Frick house was amazing and the original artwork and furniture was beautiful. I would definitely recommend doing the audio tour, I wouldn't have enjoyed it without that. Knowing the history behind the house and the art pieces made it so interesting.
We had really virtuous plans of going for a bike ride afterward to see all of Central Park and burn off some of Norma's sinful chocolate french toast and banana mac nut pancakes, but unfortunately it rained much of the day. So we stayed inside. And ate. Hopefully the weather cooperates for our bike ride before Sunday when we have to leave.
And now, photos of our gluttony at Norma's. Photos from dinner to come.

Oh my. We are kind of crazy. Maybe I should live on water and lemons and run five miles a day for the next two weeks.
Not going to lie, those foods look somewhat odd. That only shows how uncultured I am, I guess.
haha, you know what? they do look kind of weird! but they tasted really really good so it was okay.
The thing I miss most about the east coast is the unique, yummy food places. Eat it up!
You got the Wazzaa (I always forget how many "z's" & "a's" there are)!! AHH!! It's so good. Except it kind of makes me sick, but it's so worth it.
I'm so happy to see that you're eating your way through the city. Amazing, right? You'll never be satisfied with food out of state again. I'm not really kidding.
PS - if you're a runner, we should run together. Or at least meet for lunch (are you working yet?). Once the parent visits are over and what not.
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