Yes it's true: after months of training, Klane and I - along with his mom Kaylene and sister Lynsie - ran 13.1 miles today in the Top of Utah Half Marathon. It was amazing! Last night was sort of like Christmas Eve, I woke up like 5 times because I was too excited to sleep and also worried that we would oversleep and miss the race. But we made it there and then the run went great. The last 1.5 mile I was chanting "We can do this! We can do this!" over and over but we made it, and in less than two hours, which was my goal. My wonderful parents were so supportive and drove all the way to Logan to watch us cross the finish line. Klane's dad Dave also came up with us Friday night, and our good friends Bryce and Michelle came this morning to see us finish! (We didn't get a picture with them, dang it!) It meant so much to me that they all came to support us. After the run we showered off and went to Maddox in Brigham City for a very delicious and well-earned meal. It was a great day! It was fun to make a road trip out of it, but we all agreed that if we do another race like this we'll try to do one a little closer to home.
Good job!! Even though we both did a little over 13 miles today, I think I would of died if it was all running. That was the hardest part for me in the triathlon. You should totally do a triathlon- Share a smile is a great place to start because it is relaxed and shorter than most.
WAY TO GO!! That is so awesome!! I was going to remember to leave a comment wishing you luck, i have been thinking about you all day today! that is so awesome and you should be so proud of yourselves!! The best part of the whole race though. . . is when it is all over and you did it, and you don't have to run anymore! LOL! Congrats you guys!
WOW, congrats! I'm impressed! That's got to feel so good to have finished all in one piece, I could never do it.:)
That is so cool. I wanted Kenyon to do this race with you guys(pre-transplant). Maybe he can race with you next year. It is such a great goal to work toward.
BAAAA! You guys are amazing. Too bad I hate running, or I totally would have done it with you ;)
I'm so happy for you guys Angie!! You worked so hard I'm proud of ya sister! Congrats to all of you! ps tell your mom I love her hair, it's so vogue!
Congrats, Ang! That's so fun... Now you're up for a marathon in the spring, right? :-)
GO ANGIE GO!! That's so awesome! i'm gonna miss ya ang...dang it school!! i mean i'll see you and all but definitely not enough!! I love how close we've all become its so great and we're lucky!! anyway see you! loves
Klane and Ang! You guys never cease to amaze me! Jay and I are so inspired! We sure enjoyed hearing about your race from your mom and dad that very evening a we got to be with them from St. George for a session. Love ya, Lis
you are my hero! that's an awful long time to run...i'm trying to make it for just a 10k!
way to go!!!! wish we could have been there :( i'm so impressed by your training and then committing to the race the way you all did. what pros!
Ang, you're pretty much amazing! I think it's so awesome that you and Klane like to do those things together. Way to go!
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