I went to the midnight release of Breaking Dawn with Lindsey and Michelle Markham. It was hilarious. There were some creepy people there. Don't get me wrong, we were super excited to get the book and talk about it and everything, but to some of these people, the world Stephenie Meyer has created in the Twilight series is reality. They were saying what they would do if Jacob or Edward came to their house ("If he would have me, I would take him in a heartbeat!" they said. I wanted to ask them if they realized Jacob and Edward aren't real,) and saying how Alice was their best friend, and talking about their trip to Forks, then they got to the front of the line; one girl bought six copies and the girl with the funny hat bought a whole box! Why? I have no idea... standing next to these people for 45 minutes was super weird but also so funny. I'm just glad I at least had my phone to snap a couple pics.
And in case you were wondering, Breaking Dawn is AMAZING. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and I am loving it!!
Wow, people are crazy! I have a triathlon on August 23 too, which I have not trained enough for. Good luck that day! I am certainly going to need all the luck I can get. Enjoy the last couple weeks of summer break!
My husband and I were at Coneys in Orem right by the Barnes and Noble and I was shocked at the number of girls who came in with face paint while wearing prom-like dresses. I was amused!
Angie!!! you are soooo twilight exciting!!!! I love it too!! ok, I'm sitting here with Nate and Alisha who are fellow bloggers now!!yeah!!! WE have an urgent blogging question....help!!!! ok, it's not too urgent, but still....we are wondering why some family/friend names come up different colors??????? do you have any answers??? Lis, Alisha, and Nate!!
what do you mean edward isn't real? of course there are vampires! wow thats hilarious. i am so into the book right now and can't even put it down!
I stayed up til 3 in the morning to finish the book last Tues. I knew I just needed to finish reading it and get over the obsession! Erin and I fought over whose turn it was to read. Now I can get on with my life. :)
Just finished Angie and you were right, I loved the ending and felt like it was a good way to put all the pieces together. I am trying not to give anything away, for all who are still reading. I tried to make it last, but you have to finish some time. Loved the office pics. We do have an amazing and positive group of ladies who make it so enjoyable to come in. I love them all!! You are a doll and you should check out how adorable you and Klane look on Ashley's posts of your cabin date. Too cute!! Loves always
Ok, I finally finished- and I LOVED it! I agree that the ending put all the pieces where they should naturally go.
See you Monday :)
Angie...love the post! Too funny!! I love the balloon hat that girl is wearing. Kinda scary though. Have fun reading the book.
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