I knew before we ever went into the exam what I wanted to do afterward to celebrate. We walked the few blocks to Madison Square Park to grab a shack burger at the famous Shake Shack I've heard so much about. I was even happy to wait in the 45 minute line. The verdict? I thought it was great, Klane said he wouldn't go out of his way to go back. Carmen loved it! :) Shake Shack, I hope I see you again. (Oh, and pardon me for taking the same photo of the burger that many of you ny bloggers have taken before. I couldn't resist.)
I just updated myself on your NY adventures so far. Seems like you guys are loving it!! Seeing all these pictures makes me miss the east (and our family trips to NYC) sooooo badly. Glad you are having a great time. And congrats on surviving the board exam!!!
45 minutes?? that's like waiting for a ride at disneyland. you guys are nuts :) how did the bed moving extravaganza go????
We are glad you're having such a great time and that you did well in your exam! It's fun to see all that your doing.
i would have waited in line that long for a good burger. awesome.
now i want a burger...
You guys look like you are taking full advantage! Welcome to New York. :)
(The UWS location has less of a wait, & always play very cool music. 77th/Columbus, conveniently located to Levain Bakery, Magnolia Bakery & The Museum of Natural History :) ).
I didn't read your blog for a few days. I had a lot of catching up to do. Congrats on being 100% completely done. I'm excited to see more of your adventures! I already miss you!
IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!! Kathryn, who posted above me, is the sister of one of my most favorite people ever! Her brother, Patrick lived across from me freshman year and married one of my teammates. I just can't belive it!
Alllmoooost like In-N-Out!
You're right Ryan. ALMOST. It wasn't as good. Sorry to those who beg to differ. There is just something about that toasted bun at In-N-Out that can't be beat. Although Shake Shack was good and we will probably go back. :)
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