Today was our two year anniversary! It was also the day to move into the apartment. Valecia Green drove us all the way into the city so we didn't have to transport 200+ pounds of luggage between trains, buses and subways. She is a saint. (Quick, someone think of a way we can thank the Greens for all they've done for us the past few days.) Klane went to DDB for the day, and my day involved a trip to the Bronx to sign on the apartment lease, transporting the luggage between wonderful Marci's apartment and ours (the subletters hadn't vacated our place quite yet so our stuff sat at Marci's for a few hours. Thanks Marci!), and an extended date with a roll of paper towels and a bottle of Lysol in the apartment. But I'm so happy to finally be here! (And to finally have it really clean!) We love the neighborhood, there are some yummy restaurants and grocery stores close by, as well as Central Park.

Tonight we celebrated our anniversary by eating amazing buffalo wings at Just Wingin It (a wing place just up the street, which was actually featured on Food Network, we found out), and making a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond in Lincoln Square to spend the last of our store credit from the wedding on a few essentials for the apartment. When the angel Moroni came into view on the top of the temple I was so happy! It was beautiful and wonderful to see. I decided I love Lincoln Square. We stopped in and checked the temple schedule and planned a date. On the way home we stopped by the Upper West Side Shake Shack for a concrete. Vanilla custard, chocolate cookie dough and caramel. It was totally worth it and so delicious! We're going to celebrate our anniversary more officially on the weekend when we have more time and I haven't been scrubbing floors and carrying heavy luggage all day. :)
We love you all! Despite everything that's going on, we do miss all of you a lot. Thanks for checking the blog so often and commenting, it makes us feel close to home! It's like you're all here with us on our adventure. (Sorry no pictures today, I really was cleaning most of the day and too tired to carry anything but a metro card by the evening!)
we are totally coveting the hardwood floors and shiny appliances. although i think our 1962 oven would waste yours in a fight ;) also, sad news. michAel broke a bowl today so when you guys come back you have to share an ice cream bowl on lost nights :)
Ang, you must me exhausted! I would feel like I was living someone else's life or like I was on tv or something with everything that you have had to smash into the past few days; you are a BRAVE woman! I bet it will go by so fast though and you'll be back in your dad's clinic before you know it so keep up with the awesome pics so we can be on the adventure with you!
Go to Zabars!
What a fun adventure.
Your place is so cute! I love it. I am seriously so jealous...New York looks so fun! I have only been once but it was YEARS ago. I love the pictures you have been taking. Everything is so beautiful. Keep the pictures coming... :) Good lick with the unpacking and the transition!
I am amazed and what you have been doing in such a big city. I don't think I would ever leave my apartment without Ryan by my side. I admit I am not a city girl, I think I wish I was. It seems as if New York fits you pretty well! I hope to visit NYC to see where all your gorgeous pictures were taken! Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! Your apartment is adorable. I hope that you're settling in well. Can you believe that after being in the the city for school for 2 years, I have still never been to the Shake Shack. I need to go. Soon.
I'm so happy to hear that you went to Crumbs! Did you love it as much as I do? The hardest thing is choosing which cupcake to get. They all look so good!
Ang, for the tenth time, I'm so proud of you guys! Your place is adorable, okay the kitchen thus far, ha ha, and I love the pictures you took the other day! It seems so surreal that you're a "New Yorker" walking through Central Park, were Kelly Ripa does her daily cardio in the mornings.Just and fyi:) Taking taxi and train as a main transportation, what the crap! I feel like I'm watching the City but it stars Angie Harding, ok I'm done, sorry bout that little song and dance:) Anyways, good luck and talk to you very soon I hope! Love you!
Happy Anniversary, Ang! You and Klane make such a great couple and we love you both! Can't wait to see what you do with the apartment :-)
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