This morning Klane and I went into the city, me for one more test and him for his first day at DDB! It was very exciting. DDB is kitty corner from the famous St. Patrick's Cathedral, and is in a beautiful part of town on Madison Avenue.
While Klane was at work, I wandered over to Rockefeller Center, hitting H&M and Anthropologie for some browsing, then made my way down to 34th street for my test. Other adventures of the day included Times Square to check on broadway tickets for when my parents come next week, lunch with Klane, and reading a book in Central Park for hours. It was a nice day, and I am now exhausted from all the walking.
Klane's first day went well, he got a desk and a computer and he is ready to be briefed on a new client tomorrow morning. They'll have him on a team working on stuff for a specific client.
We are excited to get into our apartment tomorrow! Woo hoo!! The Greens have been absolutely great and we've had fun getting to know them and their four adorable kids, but we don't want to wear out our welcome and are excited to finally get into our very own little place. Plus, cutting out the 30 minute train ride into the city will be nice.
While Klane was at work, I wandered over to Rockefeller Center, hitting H&M and Anthropologie for some browsing, then made my way down to 34th street for my test. Other adventures of the day included Times Square to check on broadway tickets for when my parents come next week, lunch with Klane, and reading a book in Central Park for hours. It was a nice day, and I am now exhausted from all the walking.
Klane's first day went well, he got a desk and a computer and he is ready to be briefed on a new client tomorrow morning. They'll have him on a team working on stuff for a specific client.
We are excited to get into our apartment tomorrow! Woo hoo!! The Greens have been absolutely great and we've had fun getting to know them and their four adorable kids, but we don't want to wear out our welcome and are excited to finally get into our very own little place. Plus, cutting out the 30 minute train ride into the city will be nice.
Here's some of my day in photos...

These pretty flowers are by Klane's office

Klane's building. DDB is the second, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth floors.

Coming out the doors to meet me for lunch. He's just so grown-up! :)

We went to Chipotle. It was my first time and I approve.

It's a gorgeous time to be in NY. It was 80 today.
These flowers were in front of the Plaza hotel across from Central Park.
These flowers were in front of the Plaza hotel across from Central Park.

Central Park sounded like a good idea for the afternoon, and escaping the sounds of the street was nice. It's gorgeous there!
Full of people taking advantage of the great weather. I'm excited to spend time there with Klane!
Full of people taking advantage of the great weather. I'm excited to spend time there with Klane!

This is called the Mall. I don't know why.
All I know is it is one of the places they sang that awesome/hilarious song in Enchanted, which I love and can't help but smile when I watch. (Watch it and try not to smile, I dare you.)
And I sat there reading for two hours. It was lovely.
All I know is it is one of the places they sang that awesome/hilarious song in Enchanted, which I love and can't help but smile when I watch. (Watch it and try not to smile, I dare you.)
And I sat there reading for two hours. It was lovely.
Dad just brought me the computer in bed and said look at these amazing pictures our beautiful daughter took. Oh my goodness, I will sleep well tonight and have visions of NYC in my dreams. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and thank you for your phone calls. They are so fun and help us to keep up with you and Klane in your awesome adventure. Wow!!! We couldn't be more proud or more happy!! Keep it up, we love you two!!!
WOW! how fun! those pictures are beautiful. You guys are just so grown in a big city and klane working in a huge it!
Gorgeous! Simply gorgeous!
I love the picture with the white tulips. So pretty! I'm so glad you have posted lots of pictures so far in NYC--I feel like I'm there! :)
Angie- you are becoming one AMAZING photographer!!! These pictures are beautiful. Makes me want to jump in them and be there enjoying it with you :)
Thanks for posting this. I was curious how Klane's first day went. Great Pictures! Central Park is beautiful during this time of year. I'm curious what your ward/branch is like....gosh, it kinda feels like you are on a mission!
What an adventure you guys are on. We are glad that all is going well with Kane and his job. Your pictures are awesome! Ryan & Donna are is like you guys are on a mission. We love the picture..boys on missions aren't that great about sending a lot pics. Can't wait for the next post.
It was fun to ichat with you guys last night! I love seeing your day by pictures! We miss you guys, but I'm glad you're having this adventure!
all i can say is... every kiss begins with kay ;) miss you! but we are really really happy for you guys :)
I feel like I just flipped through a professional brochure to entice me to take a trip to the big city...and it convinced me ;) You are awesome Ang, can't wait till you and your camera come back for a little while so I can take advantage of your skills!
what test did you have to take? hopefully not some gosh-awful hygiene test.
Ang, everyone has already said everything that I was racing in here to post. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pics!!!!!!!! I can't even choose a favorite....I'm totally serious!!! And it does feel like we are there with you guys. The photos have that magic about them. I too feel like I'm looking through a realistic magazine or something that I can climb right into and I'm right there with you!....ahhhh, it feels good to be visiting NYC with you each day as I click on your blog! I could almost feel the sun and breeze on my face as I looked through the pics. I want to go watch enchanted now! Ang, I never thought that I'd look so forward to anything more than American Idols next show....but your blog has already done that! Can't wait for your next post! I'm staying tuned.....(p.s., I'm jealous you got to read in that gorgous park for 2 HOURS!!!!!! favorite thing!!!)
Wow! What a busy and eventful day. It's all finally starting: job, apartment... EXCITING!! We'll see you tomorrow!
Killing me! I am ready to get on a plane. So fun.
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