
the statue is behind me

Me and Carmen, who I will forever be indebted to for helping me become a hygienist

handsome hub, times square

shot from the hip while jay walking in little italy

we saw these pigeons bathing in a leaky fire hydrant and about died. "that's so new york!"

really cool street performers at battery park, they were hilarious

Carmen really wanted to take the ferry and see the statue, we're glad we went, she loved it
We wanted to make sure Carmen, my board patient, had a good time in the city since she did me a huge favor by sacrificing her time to fly out for my test. So we crammed in as much sight seeing as we could, between NERB orientation, the test itsself and meeting with some people in the city. Friday was a LONG day. We rode on a plane, subway, train, bus and taxi all in one day, with lots of walking in between (and some frantic running when we were late to my orientation meeting). Kind of unusual for Utah folks, but we only had a few subway mishaps. It was fun to show Carmen the city, she loved it. But we were so relieved when we got her on the plane this evening, it was really exhausting trying to communicate with her and entertain her all day. Anyway, we are very excited for the sabbath, we will be taking full advantage of the day of rest.
Hah hah, I guess in Time Square "im thinkin' Corona"
hahaha i didn't notice that at first!
that's so cool! you are both so nice and patient! That's really neat that yuo took all that time and effort to give Carmen that experience. I'm glad your test went well Angie! Congrats on being done!!
And the ADVENTURE Begins! Thanks to blogger (and your sweet photog skillz) we are able to join you for the ride. I was totally thinking of Klane this morning on my way to work. His first day on the job. He probably caught the train/subway bright and early Utah time.
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