My parents are in Rome this week. They're visiting their friends the Acersons, who are mission presidents there. Then they're going to Switzerland to see the land of our forefathers. More about that on their blog soon, i'm sure.
Anyway, i spent most of today with the boys. It has been a very nice day. Justin's meal plan provided us all lunch at the Cannon Center, which was on my list of things to do before we leave Provo, believe it or not. Klane had told me that the food was amazing since they remodeled the place. He was right. Also on the list: J-Dawgs. Brandon accompanied me on errands this afternoon, and later we (plus Justin) met Klane on campus for homemade pizza. Now the boys are happily playing our PS3 in my living room, which is great since Klane will be on campus until tomorrow, probably. Brandon will probably stay the night. It's nice to have company when Klane isn't going to be able to make it home. Can't wait for his classes to be DONE on Wednesday!!!
Angie I love you. Im sorry that I take away your husband soo muh. But lets be honest would you want him with anyone else...dont answer that.
So the Cannon Center has good food now, huh? Interesting. I may need to check that out sometime. I love J-Dawgs! I know Klane is probably not as busy now that classes are over, but if you need any company (especially over a J-Dawg) let me know : )
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