Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My view of today

This is Klane on Christmas Eve Eve at his parents house. My view today looks similar so I'm posting this since I don't have a camera at the moment. The view is a little different in that we are at Michael and Sara's apartment and Michael is also playing a war game with Klane.

Klane's favorite gift of Christmas: a gift card to Best Buy which he applied toward the purchase of a Playstation 3. Heaven help us. The sound of gunfire abounds in our house.

My highlight of the trip to Best Buy: running into the Wrights in the checkout line. I had never met them in person but I love checking their blog to see the amazing pictures Leah takes. Meeting them in person was so awesome! Maybe it is weird of me, but I was so excited to see these people who I blog-stalk, in real life. The kids are so cute! The pictures on their blog are adorable, but in real life they move and talk and fuss and pull on their dad's sleeve saying "daddy!" over and over. And don't worry, I actually have a connection to these people... Klane knows Geoff, he took a class from him. So i'm not completely creepy. Really, I'm not. But, it was the coolest thing ever!!! Check out their blog, it's a winner.

Here's to a brand new year, a fun party tonight (pictures to come), and hopefully not too many more days of watching the boys play Call of Duty. :)


Unknown said...

That is so funny. I blog stalk there too. I don't know them but they know some friends of mine. Random. I love her photos.

Christine said...

similar scene with us - except with guitar hero...and i'm the one addicted. :)

Sharla said...

You have a darling husband and I am so glad he enjoyed his present!

Dawson & Stacie + 4 little fellers said...

Yes Ang the Mom in you is speaking... It is saying "have a baby... think thoughts of windex and travel wipes...

love your pics as usual!!

Hammer 505 said...

Wow, the drummer is awesome!!