Thursday, April 2, 2009

it's one of those weeks

i'm taking a bubble bath, eating chocolate chip pumpkin bread, blog surfing, and watching the office. at the same time. i need some relaxation.

yes, it has been a long, tough week.

pray for board patients to materialize out of thin air. pray.


Unknown said...

I'll pray for you. I am dumb though - what is a board patient? What do they need to do?

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

Lucky girl! Enjoy it while it lasts, right? When's the big moving date for you & Klane?

Christine said...

have you tried going to the mountainland community health place?

Gaskin Girl said...

I'm so happy for you that you're eating pumpkin chocolate chip bread. :) It's the greatest! And good luck finding those board patients. We have a lot of dental students in our ward, and I know that it's stressful! I'd love to help, but we're a little too far away! :)

Angie said...

annie, in answer to your question: the north east regional board of examiners specifies the requirements for the clinical exam. basically, they have to have 14 large pieces of hardened tartar attached to the teeth, below the gums. a certain number of the pieces have to be on certain teeth, they can't have any fillings or decay between the teeth, you can't use a tooth with a crown, etc, etc, etc. no wonder its so hard to find someone who works! AND they've got to be a legal citizen so they can fly to NY with me. which has actually proved to be the hardest requirement. most people who don't brush their teeth and haven't ever had their teeth cleaned aren't american and aren't legal.

theRach said...

Argh! I'm way stressed, and I've got a patient already.....I'm definitely praying for you!!

Calee said...

Oh, Ang, I'll pray too. I know honestly my hair would be falling out by now. It really does that when I get super stressed like I'm sure you're feeling. :(
This countdown can't go fast enough I bet. Good luck!

Sharla said...

We are there for you Angie. It will happen, just keep trying and have faith!!