Thursday, October 22, 2009

changing leaves

The high today was 72. Seventy-two degrees! Amazing! It may have been the last warm day we see until Spring. So of course I took advantage, and escaped to the park to eat lunch.

It was so pleasant that after work I decided to walk across the park to my subway line. I took a few iPhone shots of the changing leaves in the fading light. It was beautiful, one of those days that made me really happy with where I am.

Yes, they're a little blurry. But you can find beauty in blur sometimes. I've gotta get out there with the big camera, and soon!


Sharla said...

Yes you do you busy girl. Loved chating today. Hope the missionary meal went well. Of course it did they had the best cook in NY. Love the Fall Leaves. I should take some of our back yard. You would be amazed. They change and then they are gone so quickly. You really have to soak it all in fast! Love you too pieces.

Abbie said...

Today we went to the park and the wind came for just a moment and all these leaves started dropping all around us. It was magical! I felt like we were in a movie. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Love it. The fall here is gorgeous as well. Please document it with the big camera! Those pictures would turn out great.

(It was warm here today, too! Really warm. I tried to soak it all in.)

Dayna said...

Gorgeous! I need to take pictures of the leaves here in Provo. They are so vibrant this year because of all the Spring rain. They fall so fast though!

Katherine said...
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Katherine said...

I love Central Park in the fall! Enjoy the leaves and do get more shots, you amazing little photographer!

I agree with you-- you CAN find beauty in blur-- kinda impressionistic, right?