Tuesday, October 20, 2009

sunrise in midtown

I saw the sunrise on my walk to work this morning.

It was almost a nice moment.

Then I realized I was outside, walking to work,
early enough in the morning that I was watching the sun rise.

Not okay, kids. Not okay.

I also almost quit today. But then I didn't. But I really almost did.

I just have to stick it out, give it a fair chance. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!

I did enjoy working with the patients. Especially this guy who is really picky and usually gives the hygienists a really hard time and tells them everything they do wrong. But he loved me! He even told the doc what a great job I did. That felt good. I really do feel like I'm a good hygienist. Doing the actual work at this job is the best part.

See? I can see the positive side! I can have a good attitude! I can do this!!


Calee said...

Ang, how many days per week do you do hygiene vs days doing ortho? It's not the whole work week right? You are a brave woman!

Sydna Graf said...

You and I both have to stick it out. I drive to work before sunrise and deal with 200 hormonal teenagers everyday. Then I come home and work 2 or so more hours on school. I love or hate my job depending on the moment!

Angie said...

It's only on Tuesdays. You can do anything one day a week, right? It's not the job, the job is great and I love the doc, and I like working hygiene. It's just the office manager. She is just not a nice person. Almost every conversation we have involves her talking down to me, being confrontational and accusatory, or acting like I'm a nuisance, or being sarcastic, or just plain rude. Her attitude is toxic and I hate being around that. It really can destroy my peace of mind if I let her get in my head. So I just have to try to ignore her. I don't know why she seems to dislike me so much, I am nothing but sweet to her, even when she's being blatantly rude to my face, I smile back and respond nicely. Hopefully it gets better.

Sara said...

i think you should tell her to stick it! and then give her a pass a long card ;)

Sharla said...

You are going to be so great and I love how you just keep going. You are my hero and I love your tough and tender attitude! You need both to survive the City at times. Loved the sunrise pics and thanks for making my blog look so great! I just love you too pieces and I could not be more proud.

Calee said...

Good mantra; you can do anything just once every seven days! (Well YOU can, I mean; I'd go home crying and never come back!) I admire your attitude.
My job with your dad is not half that scary and it still stresses me out sometimes. I have this internal battle in my head. I've been toying with the idea of asking to come back full time but don't know if that's what's best for Ary or if he would even take me every day. Oh, the drama we let ourselves feel at work! You have nerves of steel woman!

Abbie said...

You can do this. This experience will be good for you down the road. You're learning things that will help you deal with difficult people later on. You can do it!

Let's talk more tomorrow.

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

Haha, I feel the exact same way about the sunrise. At least it's pretty, though, right? And I'm glad you only have to be there once a week. You're right--you can do it :-)

Christine said...

i start work before i even see the sun four out of my five days. ick, i know. and as it gets closer and closer to winter, i probably won't see it when i leave!

Morgan said...

I'm liking that mantra of yours. You're right. You can do this. The thing to ask yourself is what you've got to lose if you stick it out. I've got a feeling that this whole experience is only going to help you in the end, only going to make you an even stronger, wiser, person. Dealing with rude, mean people is not fun. This office manager of yours sounds like one of those difficult people. I think the worst part is that you're doing such a good job of respecting her even through all of her rudeness, and her behavior hasn't changed. That's not easy. So I started out trying to be helpful, and now I'm just sympathizing with you. Sorry. I just can't help it! You've got a tough situation there. Just pray about it. It's the one thing I know that always works:)

P.S. Thanks for your sweet comments and thanks for the cake recipe. Oh my goodness, I can't wait to try it! It sounds perfect.

Katherine said...

Such wonderful and wise comments above! You are clearly very loved and admired.

REGARDING TOXIC TUESDAYS: I do not like toxic people-- or rude people-- or arrogant people. This woman must have a lot of issues, jealousy being one of them--negative, insecure, resentful...

It is definitely not YOUR problem!! Hang in there-- you CAN do this! (Do not let Ms. Toxicity get into your head! We can call her "Ms. T"-- a female bully!!) Too bad you can't just "shun" her--you know, "Dwight-style"--haha.

On a brighter note, I love your sunrise pics in the concrete jungle--so pretty! Standard time is just around the corner, so that oughta help for a few weeks anyway:)

Katherine said...

Ok, so this toxic woman is really getting on my nerves, so one more comment (so sorry):

HELLLLOOO! Angie, you are beautiful (well, gorgeous), smart, kind, helpful, hardworking, sweet, talented, fun and funny, not to mention "filled with light" on top of it all. Of course someone like Ms. T is going to try to make your life miserable!!!! I just LOVE that whenever she is "blatantly rude" to your face, you just "smile back and respond nicely." THAT must just make this miserable woman CRAZY!! Next Tuesday, be sure to ask her which of her witchy costumes she'll be wearing on Halloween! (She doesn't read this blog, right???)

Oh yeah, and do NOT let her know what a fabulous cook you are. That would make her more resentful and may just drive her over the edge... The End.

Angie said...

Dwight style, I love that! Hahaha! "shun." "un-shun." So classic.

Thank you all for your sweet and encouraging comments. It means so much to me!

Mills Family said...

"I THINK I CAN....I THINK I CAN....I THINK I CAN....." And, Ang, I think you can too!!! You're in my prayers!

amanda said...

AG, if you can survive SOCIOLOGY 101...you can do ANYthing! I guess sometimes all you can do is keep breathing, yeah? So I just recently discovered your blog and love it- love your goodness. Go team.

Dawson & Stacie + 4 little fellers said...

YOU CAN DO THIS! You are amazing you really are. You CAN do anything. Keep up the good attitude, it makes all the difference!

Halfords said...

I always find when people are rude to me for no apparent reason...they always have personal issues. And they are usually jealous of you for one reason or another. So...it's not you!