Monday, August 24, 2009

central park is looking sad

We heard that in the big storm last week, trees were blown over in Central Park by wind bursts. I didn't think much of it, until this morning when I went for a run.

I could not believe all the damage; the park looks like a total disaster area. And this was after a few days of clean-up! I couldn't believe the number of huge trees that had either snapped in two or been completely uprooted. Crazy. I had to go back this evening to take pictures. It's so sad to see the beautiful park in such a sad state. Hopefully they can get it back on its feet and start replacing the lost trees.

this is what they're doing with a lot of the big trees: turning them into wood chips.
that is a lot of wood chips.

a bunch of wood-chipper trucks

many of them were totally uprooted

there's caution tape everywhere

these ones took out half the tennis courts


Mills Family said...

Oh my gosh! That's just crazy!....and way sad! I can't believe all those wood chips and all the big huge trees just laying there all over the ground too! sad!

pandorasbox said...

Wow...I was just there 3 months ago...probably the ground was just too saturated with all the recent rains and with the heaviness of the canopy of the tree they just toppled when the windstorms came howling. The trees were magnificent when I was there in May...they were just filling out and sad...

Ashley Seil Smith said...

Angie! This is Ashley Smith. What time did you go running this morning??? I go running now, too - we should run together if it's at the same time! Today I actually busted my knee and I have no idea how, but I'm pretty sad about it because I just ordered a Garmin (the fancy heart rate monitor watch gadget)online yesterday! Anyway, we should run together.

Sharla said...

There could be some gospel analogies that could come from this awesome storm. Wow!! Crazy Storm!