Thursday, August 13, 2009

subway performers

One of the fun things about the city is the performers in the subway stations and trains. I like to snatch Klane's iPhone and take video when people perform. I wish I would've had it the other afternoon on the way home from work, there were these three black guys singing gospel music and they had the most gorgeous harmony.

I have a problem. The moment I decide to turn the camera away or not to follow them, that is the moment they do something incredible, like a backflip off the pole. Someday I'll learn. You'll enjoy these videos anyway. I'm amazed they can do stuff like this in a lurching train where many people struggle just to stand upright.

On the C train coming back from Grimaldi's in Brooklyn

On the D train on our way to Stand near Union Square


Mills Family said...

Holy smokes! That was crazy! How amazing! I am loving that I get to experience the big city through your blog ang! Thanks!

Morgan said...

Very cool. That's one of the things that I love about New York, too! I love that so many people are not afraid to share their talents with the world. They all seem so fearless. You see it a lot on the trains- the singing, the dancing. They're all so amazing. I once saw a man who'd pick random strangers on the train and draw their pictures. He was so talented, and he worked so quickly so that he could finish the pictures and give them to the people by the time that we got to their stops. It was very cool, and I was very jealous that I didn't get one.

Alyssa/Jo said...

I would never have confidence to do anything like that in public even if I had the skills!

Sharla said...

OH my goodness! I never knew they did that on the trains. That is talent and I hope you drop them a buck or two. That is some resourcefulness right there! Gotta love the street performers.