Monday, September 28, 2009

can you spot our ward's scouts?

You can click to enlarge these pics from the stake Court of Honor on Sunday. It isn't too hard to point out the Harlem 1st ward. Oh boy, do we love our scouts. Even though they forget their shirts, make loud comments during the Stake President's closing remarks, and are physically incapable of all holding still for a picture at the same time. Yes, we love them. They make me laugh. They are very entertaining and keep their leaders on their toes.

I especially love their reaction when the congregation gave them a round of applause for their merit badges. Half of them had their backs to the crowd, some were more excited:

I wish Klane was in this but he's behind the camera. I was laughing so hard at him trying to get everyone's attention at the same time. They all have ADHD, I swear. Maybe it was the root beer floats. I thought it was so funny I took this video. You can hear me giggling.

Honestly though, these boys are making great progress in the scouting program and the church, and Klane has had a lot of fun spending Sundays and Friday nights with them. They may not fully understand the concept of reverence (or the concept of not swearing during Sunday school!), but they're good kids.

It has been so much fun being able to serve in the church in this area and help build up a ward that's fairly new. Klane's home teaching partner is the sweetest 19-year-old black guy named Lawrence, who was recently baptized this summer. He used to live in the Bronx and was heavily involved in gangs and had a really difficult (and downright scary) life. But when he almost got arrested, he decided to turn it around, moved to Harlem to escape his old friends, and eventually joined the church.

Tonight we had him over for dinner and Klane helped him put together a resume so he can get a good job. He is so cute and polite, and kind of shy, until you get him talking about sports, especially Boston teams. He and Klane have a bond since they're both Red Sox fans. :) Anyway, this is such a unique place and it's been a fun, new, exciting experience to be here as members of the church.


Sara said...

hahaha mike and i were dying reading this post. too much awesome-ness. you are such a great writer! we miss you guys. we are hoping to plan another trip out fairly soon... :)

Mills Family said...

This was AWEOSME!!! i want to come and be a member of your ward too!!! fun fun fun experiences and memories you are building!!

Sharla said...

You two Rock! What a great couple to build the kingdom and have fun doing it!

Lindsay Henderson said...

I totally got choked up and teary eyed listening to your voice and laugh!! I miss you! That's awesome!

Marci + Dan said...

I'm so glad you were taking pictures (and wish I was there)! Harlem-Scouts rule!!!

Marci + Dan said...

and I hope you don't mind if I steal a few of your photos.

emily kate said...

We looove Lawrence! He was so so sweet. When he got confirmed I totally cried because he looked so happy. Working with the scouts is definitely funny. My husband worked with the cub scouts when we were there and he always had the best stories.