Thursday, February 25, 2010

Joy all around

I've had a lot of joy in my heart lately. True, honest, can't help but smile, squeal and jump around, hug someone tight as you can, thank God for your blessings type of joy.

Joy in homemaking; in folded laundry, clean floors and freshly baked bread.

Joy in my husband; in simple things like waking up next to him, in stolen kisses on commercial breaks, in welcome-home hugs.

Joy in embracing my divine role as a woman, and therefore a wife and (future) mother.

Joy in my faith, in the direction and hope it brings to our life.

Joy in my family and appreciating where I've come from.

Joy in simple things, like the giant, fat, puffy snowflakes falling on my face this morning. In breathing the morning air. In having the park almost all to myself. In quiet. In God's beautiful creations for his children. In feeling God's love for me confirmed through his Spirit as I tip my head back and feel the snowflakes on my face.

This morning in the park was nothing less than breathtaking. I smiled all the way to work. Didn't even mind that my knees were wet by the time I got there. I wish you could see the snowflakes. (If I had brought my camera, I could've frozen them in the air and you could see how huge they were! I would've also had a wet camera and been a little late to work.) I can't wait to see what this storm ends up unloading on the city. It's supposed to keep snowing all weekend! Life is good, people. Life is good.


Ashley Seil Smith said...

life IS good. except for when you don't own any boots and have to wear flats in the wet, slushy snow. =(

kaylie jean. said...

you bring joy to my life. i adore you, and i love reading your blog.

i hope i can see you when you come to utah!

Casey said...

oh my goodness, wasn't the snow today just amazing? big huge snow puffs! I loved it!

Katherine said...

Thank you for spreading SUNSHINE on a snowy, stormy, wintry day! I love how you find joy in such simple things.

Morgan said...

Oh how I love this post. What a beautiful reminder that if we just stop for a moment and take a look around us, it's so obvious that we all have much to be happy about. Kaylie is not the only one. You bring joy to my life as well.

Pretty pictures, just like always:)

Alyssa/Jo said...

I just learned about Balto, the dog statue you took a picture of (if you didn't already know). Supposedly, his statue is a fairly big tourist attraction.

I'm glad you find joy in snow too. People always whine and complain about it, but seriously, if it's going to be cold snow makes it worthwhile!!

Sharla said...

Oh this made me so happy this morning and your beautiful writing and very joy and hope filled perspective made me filled with Happiness!! Thank you for just bringing so much joy by your amazing example of doing everything a wife and daughter of God should. You are a bright spot in so many life's but especially to your mom. I can't wait to give you a big squeeze and carry out our week together doing all good stuff! You are going to love what I have so far!!

Angie said...

Alyssa, yeah I knew about Balto because I used to love that movie as a kid! I remembered the statue cause they show it at the end of the movie. The first time I came upon it in the park I was like, 'hey, it's BALTO! Just like the movie!!' I went home and told Klane I'd seen the balto statue from the movie and he had no idea what I was talking about. :)

Ryan and Donna said...

Ang, I love your optimism in life. We all struggle with things daily but you choose to focus on the good things in life....and that is why you are happy. Too many people Choose to be grumpy in life. While Donna was working as a cashier last year, coworkers would always ask her why she smiles so much. She responded simply, "Because I choose to!" I think if every walmart cashier adopted that attitude, shopping there would be a little more enjoyable. So keep on smilin'

rubi said...

i love the snow right now.
it really makes me happy too.

Abbie said...

You have no idea how much I needed to read this. I was starting to get a bit anxious about our return, but now I'm just excited! I'm excited to rock the city WITH JOY until srping comes (however long it takes)!! Thank you so much for writing this post! (possibly you were inspired for my sake:)

Colette said...

Angie you are beautiful all around. thank you for posting this.