Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

(photo from the storm that dumped 6-8 inches on the city in December)

A storm is coming to NYC. Hopefully it's for real this time. (We are skeptical.) On more than one occasion the weathermen have promised us the "storm of the decade", throwing out random large inch amounts, and then ... nothing. I am a little fed up with these empty promises. There has been one snow storm that actually happened, as in the snow came and stayed on the ground for more than three hours.

But hopefully this time will be different. They announced this morning that every public school in New York City will be closed tomorrow, and the snow hasn't even started yet! (You can imagine the elation of the kids who came in the ortho office this afternoon. It was fun, and their excitement was contagious.) The preemptive closing of the schools has given me hope. Maybe this snow storm will deliver as promised.

Now we just need to figure out a way to get the rest of the city to follow suit. Can't we have a Snow Day for all of New York? Couldn't everybody use a day off? I am in full support. I'd be out there making snow angels with the ten-year-olds.


KAREBEAR said...

your brother was my missionary :)
he misses you

The Graf Family said...

Here hoping for you in New York for the snow! You can take it from Cedar....please. I can't wait until the spring and summer. I am SO NOT a winter/snow person.

Abbie said...

Here here!! Snow day for all!! I'm excited!

Ashley Seil Smith said...

And now I'm sitting here with snow out my window! It has come!

Nate was saying he almost got a snow day, but they would still have to work from home...

Sharla said...

I love Snow Days! Love having the kids home and watching the white stuff pile up. To have a Snow day in Utah it has to be a BIG storm, so it is always exciting. Northern Utah has been cheated this year in new snow, but we are going to the Cabin this weekend and hopefully we will have lots up there. I can't wait to give Dad my surprise!!!

Liz & Zac said...

I remember when there was an occasional snow day, they were the best! But, I have never heard them shut down a whole city in anticipation of a snow day...huh...lucky kids! I hope you get the snow storm you have wanted this whole winter!

Casey said...

It came! It came! It's like waking up Christmas morning. haha


Katherine said...

I love snow days... and making snow angels!