Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Misty morning in the park

This week's NYC forecast? Rain and lots of it! Although it's more difficult to get outside when it's raining, I'm loving it. Rain feels like spring. I love being outside after it rains. Everything smells and feels and looks so fresh. It makes me think of the green leaves and flowers and grass this rain is going to bring in just a few weeks. Plus I get to wear my cherry red rain boots, which is always a plus.

Lately I've been walking through the park instead of riding the train to get across town to work. It has been so nice to be outside in the morning air. I wish I was dedicated enough to lug my heavy camera everywhere with me, but I just won't do that every day. It's unfortunate, because especially on a nice morning like today, there are always moments where I see something beautiful and imagine the great picture I could take of it if I had the right camera. Like the water droplets clinging to the branches this morning that were so gorgeous! I took a mental snapshot so I wouldn't forget it. Anyway, here are some cell phone pictures, once again!

Misty city skyline above Sheep's Meadow

I know it's been photographed hundreds of times,
but once again, I bring you The Mall

Rockin the red rainboots and the iPod cord
(John Mayer's Battle Studies got me to work this morning in a great mood)

This lovely winding path takes me through the Central Park Zoo
before popping out of the park onto 5th Avenue


emily kate said...

It's probably smart not to take your nice camera. You'd be late to work everyday because you'd want to stop and take pictures! :)

Ashley Seil Smith said...

how long does it take you to get to work? I've been thinking I should start walking...when the weather is nicer. =) do you walk ALL the way or just across town???

Angie said...

Emily, you're right, that is a big part of the reason I don't bring the camera. I'm walking really quickly to get to work in time. I'd have to leave 15 minutes earlier to have time to snap some pictures!

Ashley, it's weird, whether I walk or take the train it's the same amount of time, about 30-35 minutes. I ride the B to 47-50th then take the F back uptown to Lexington/63rd. So when I walk partway, I ride 15 mintues to 72nd street, get off and walk 20 minutes across town. It's crazy that walking a mile takes the same amount of time as the train ride to get there. I think it's because on my commute I have go further downtown to Rockefeller, and then ride back uptown so it wastes time. Does that make sense? :)

Sarah said...

Beautiful! I'm always so impressed with your cellphone pictures. I think I need to move to NYC so I'm forced to walk everywhere. It's so good for you!

Anonymous said...

My favorite song right now is John Mayer's Heartbreak Warfare.
Maybe this feeling wore off for you long ago, but the little experience I had riding the subway in Europe gave me such a sense of accomplishment and feeling grown up--figuring out how to get everywhere. But it does smell and is infested with bacteria.

Katherine said...

You are also rockin' your iPhone camera-- you just don't take a bad picture, no matter the camera!

The "misty city skyline" is so dramatic and cool! How fun to spend more time commuting "above ground." Good for you!

Love the red rainboots...and John Mayer.

Sharla said...

Wow! You have an eye for a great picture and those were so amazing! I love the park! I love the red rain boots! I am especially a fan of Angie Harding!

Morgan said...

How do you take such great iPhone pictures? I always thought that iPhone pictures were supposed to be bad. These are fantastic! The misty morning is so pretty. The rain, however, probably won't be. I don't like rain. I love that you're able to be so optimistic about it because you're right, it does mean that spring is coming and it is going to be SO pretty!

Alyssa/Jo said...

Oh Angie, you inspire me! I took pictures on my walk in the mountains with the pup yesterday. I have yet to see if they turned out well enough to post. I never liked taking pictures in the "dead months" b/c it looks dead, but you make "dead months" seem more alive.

Just so you know, Shane and I cannot dance but we enjoy pretending! If you were here we would make sure we guilted Klane into coming.

I don't remember if we established that I know Kera's sister in law. I did meet her twice, I think. I've decided that we live parallel else could we both know and meet Lindsay and Pat and also Katherine??

P.S. Rock those boots!
P.S.S. Once I'm done studying for my micro test for the next 2 days I'll post my outdoorsy pics.

Mills Family said...

OH, way pretty pictures out on your way to work through the park! I would love walking there!
Hey, I also loved your post about the singer on the subway. Yes, he would probably do pretty well on american idol tryouts! And, you had me giggling about the people peeking their heads out to check for the train. SILLY!!