Saturday, July 18, 2009

weekend, i prefer the weekend

I really like Fridays around here lately. Yesterday I enjoyed the most gorgeous run in the park; the early morning temperature is cool and perfect. And on Fridays Klane and I both only work till about 2:00. Then we get to meet up, ride home and spend the afternoon together. I love it. Things are just better when Klane's around. Yesterday we were having so much fun playing games on the train home that we missed our stop and ended up at 145th street before we even noticed.

Klane usually has work, aside from DDB stuff, which he does at home on his own time. Website design, mostly. This is a familiar sight:

I often decide the best form of entertainment during moments like this is baking something equally naughty and delicious. Things are getting a little out of hand; in the last ten days I've made blueberry muffins, peanut butter cookies, peanut butter bars, blueberry coffee cake, and then today, fudge brownies. (They're for the Sunday school kids, okay?)

Given the above list, it may surprise you that I actually do not have a goal to gain 100 pounds or have five cavities by the end of the year. It should also be noted that on Friday it was 90 degrees with 95% humidity, so heating up the apartment with the oven is really not that smart. I need a new hobby. It's just that I find these tempting recipes and they nag at me and I can't get them out of my head and I have to make them.

Thank goodness Klane still has time to spend with me. Last night when he got back from scouts, we watched Moonwalker in honor of the recently deceased King of Pop, which was random and creepy and thoroughly entertaining. I feel more culturally well-rounded now that I can say I've seen it. This morning we shared an awesome run. We changed it up and ran along the Hudson and it was just gorgeous. We were unfamiliar with the trail and so ended up running a lot farther than planned, but we knew that eventually we would come upon these fountains at 125th street where we'd get to cool off:

The last time we visited this spot, the eight-year-old in me wanted to get completely drenched, but we were going to dinner and had to act like adults. Today at the end of our run I got my wish. We both got sufficiently soaked playing in the fountains, then walked home with squishy shoes.


Unknown said...

I LOVE fountains like those. Yeah, they're irresistible. You HAVE to soak at least your head. Fun times!

Sheralee said...

You and Klane are so cute. :) I think I better go make some brownies...

Mike said...

was that guitar out of tune??

Sharla said...

That sounds so fun!