Monday, June 1, 2009

ddb & subway etiquette

After having a slight meltdown this morning at the prospect of searching for an actual job in a big scary city, I decided I needed a good healthy dose of husband to calm me down. I packed turkey sandwiches and headed for midtown.

I finally got to see Klane's office; when I got there he took me up and gave me a tour. It was really nice and the people were all so friendly. I even got to meet the famous Eric Silver, the CCO, whose office is like ten feet from Klane's. I really liked DDB a lot. I got to see some of what Klane's working on, and of course it was all really good! He's awesome.

original image via

Anyway, we ate our sandwiches and oreos on 51st street, and Klane gave me a nice pep talk. He's a great husband.

And now for a question on subway etiquette. I hopped on the crowded train at the Rockefeller station. I sat in an empty seat between two people. At 59th street, the woman on my left got off. Here's my dilemma. There's now an empty seat next to me, and I'd prefer not to sit right next to someone if I don't have to. But I didn't want the man on my right to be offended if I scooted away from him, like I thought he smelled or something. Is it more rude to invade his personal space, or to scoot away so I don't have to sit next to him? The man seemed pretty occupied by his book. I decided to just stay put. The subway car continued to empty, and by 96th there were tons of empty rows and seats, and the only people sitting right next to each other were me and this stranger. I wasn't sure if it'd be weird for me to suddenly scoot away as if repulsed by this person, so we stayed that way until I got off at 116th.

image via flickr

I know I over analyze things. But out of curiosity, what would you have done?


kaylie jean. said...

I would have done a little butt-hop. And I probably would have avoided eye-contact, too.

That worry is LEGIT, though.

Good luck with the job hunting! I hope all goes well!

Jons and Celeste Leigh said...

I don't know thats a really good question. I think I would have casually moved too. Good luck on the job hunt!

Kris said...

Was he repulsive or reasonably attractive?

Unknown said...

I would have moved over, and I will tell you why: We all have a personal bubble, and this bubble is adjusted to the circumstances we find ourselves in. The bubble contracts and enlarges.
When you are riding a crowded bus, your bubble must shrink, because you have no choice.
In a more open area your bubble enlarges. it's just fact.

I bet he wanted you to scoot over so he could have his space.

Morgan said...

Good luck with the job search!
Now is it really sad that when I read your question about subway etiquette, my immediate thought was an all-too-sure "yes, you should have moved over"? Seconds later I got to thinking about it and realized that I've been in that exact same subway situation far too many times and never once have I moved over. I guess I just always want to move over, thinking that it makes sense, but then I never do because I don't know that I really should. It's a tough one, but I think it's easier to just stay put.

Anonymous said...

I would've moved over for sure. I've come to the conclusion that nobody would really care. Riding the metro in Europe 1/2 of my day, every single day taught me this.

k. said...

New Yorkers like their personal space when they can get it. I would have moved over, immediately, no questions asked. People won't take offense on a Manhattan subway. :)

Dayna said...

Angie! I need your help. I know I have already asked you this question... and you have already answered I think but I can't remember. How do you get the better quality/bigger photos uploaded on to your blog? i'm trying to do it from flickr but am having some difficulties... its only allowing me to post one photo at a time and if you click on the photo it takes you to flickr (when i'd rather it just open the photo bigger). if you could help a computer inept ME out that would be AWESOME.

Sydna Graf said...

I would have moved, but then again, he could have moved also, so he probably didn't care either way. He was probably flattered such a cute girl was sitting next to him. Of course, if I were you, that last thought would make me want to move even more!

Angie said...

haha, thanks for all your advice. i now realize just how awkward i am and am determined to change it. in fact, just yesterday i casually slid away from someone in a similar situation. see, I'm learning! :)

emily kate said...

Scoot over, honey! Everybody does it!